this is an advanced guide for importing high resolution images and videos to the iOS OP–Z app.
to prevent image cropping and resolution changes when importing photomatic content into the OP–Z app for iOS, and to make sure you get the highest quality possible, first import your images to the mac os app. you can then copy the roll from the mac version (which does not reduce the image quality) and place it in the OP–Z iOS version. this will prevent image cropping and resolution changes.
first download the MacOS app from the app store:
then follow these steps:
- import your images through the photomatic page in the MacOS app.
- once you are happy with the layout and placement of the images and videos, open finder and navigate to the applications folder.
- right click the OP–Z app and select "show package contents".
- navigate through to the following:
/Users/*you_user_name*/Library/Containers/com.teenageengineering.te012.osx/Data/Library/Application\ Support/com.teenageengineering.te012.osx/
and then select the appropriate reel number between 1 and 10. - copy this to an easy to access folder, such as the desktop on your computer.
- plug in your iOS device (iPhone or iPad) and in the finder app select the mounted drive with the same name as your iOS device (you may be asked to trust the Mac on your iOS device before being able to see it in finder so make sure to unlock your iPhone or iPad before connecting it).
- select "files" from the scrolling list of pages in the iOS device settings in finder.
- scroll down until you find "OP–Z" in the list of applications.
- click on the arrow to the right of the application name to expand its contents and then copy the "photomatic" folder to your desktop (or whatever easy to access folder you prefer).
- open the photomatic folder that you copied from the iOS device, you will see that just like the photomatic folder on the mac app it will have folders from 1-10.
- find an empty roll and rename the folder you copied off the mac app to have the same number as the empty roll.
- drag and drop the renamed file into the photomatic folder on your desktop and when prompted select "replace".
- you should now see that the videos and photos from the mac app are in the photomatic folder on your desktop.
- finally, drag and drop the photomatic folder on your desktop back into the OP–Z app files on your iOS device.
- eject the iOS device by pressing the eject button to the right of the device name in finder.
you can now open the OP–Z app on your iOS device and see that the videos and images appear in photomatic with full resolution. enjoy!
for more information please see the OP–Z user guide: