if you have found a bug or are experiencing faulty operation of a unit, we are of course very sorry for the trouble. you can help us out tremendously by filing a bug report. that way we can make sure to resolve it as soon as possible, if bug is indeed proven.
before you file a bug report, the most important things to check before you report a bug are:
- make sure you are running the latest firmware versions available on our download page.
- make sure your issue involves hardware/software that we actually support.
- gather the information needed (see below).
- write a thorough reproduction case.
when you report a bug make sure to carefully document and include the following:
- name of the unit/service in question.
- the firmware version number of your unit.
- a reproduction case, meaning a brief description allowing us to reproduce the bug.
- the expected result vs the actual result.
- documentation proof, such as a short but detailed video, photos/screenshots and/or audio.
please copy the template below and paste it onto our contact form:
hardware or software issue:
serial number:
firmware version:
issue experienced:
reproduction steps:
expected result:
actual result:
(attached documents: screenshot / picture / video)
this is truly helpful and we thank you very much in advance for your assistance!